Split WAV files with WAVChop, a program that lets you automatically chop up a WAV sound file into pieces where silence is detected. If you use your computer to make recordings from radio (or satellite), then this program will help you split WAV files up into manageable pieces. This program has been specially designed to split WAV files HUGE up to four gigabytes! Of course that doesn't mean it doesn't work great on smaller files too. But it does mean that you can hit the record button on your computer and hours later you will have lots of audio to quickly select your favorites from. Unlike other split WAV programs, WAVChop will not read through the whole WAV file or make unnecessary plots before it begins it's work. You can monitor the new WAV files as they are being created to verify your settings. It can take a very long time to read a 4 gigabyte file. Why read it twice? WAVChop only reads the file once as it is doing the chopping. No significant amount of memory is used during processing. WAVChop starts at the beginning and searches for silent pauses. It will split WAV files into smaller WAV files as it reads. It does not care how big the WAV file is. It splits out the WAV data into smaller files so that you can more easily find what you want. The original WAV file is not deleted or modified.